May 2023

Mental Awareness Week

For Mental Health Awareness Week, Pudsey’s removed his iconic bandana to show that mental health issues are often less visible. I’m proud to be supporting @BBCiN’s ‘Behind the Bandana’ campaign which encourages conversations that can help keep a child’s mental health on track. For tips and tools, head to

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Karting Electric Campaign


The Right Track Project team and young people have built two electric karts from scratch. Now that we have the knowledge of how to build, repair and maintain electric karts, we can move on the big plan to completely electrify the Right Track Project. Please help us be pollution free! No Noise, No Fumes! Click


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As funding bodies have been closing and donations get harder to secure, Oasis has found itself with a huge deficit this financial year. This means that unless we can raise the money to stay afloat until April 2025, we will need to close with immediate effect.

Please help us to keep Oasis going by donating to our Save Oasis Just Giving page. Other ways you can help:

1) Spread the word  | 2) Stick a poster in your front window – you are welcome to pop into any of the Oasis sites to collect some printed copies. 

We feel confident that with the support of the community Oasisplay will survive the current situation. Please help by spreading the word and link to our fundraising page. 


Registered charity number 1019629