NATURE GARDEN – From Monday 19th April 2021

Re-opening of after-school clubs:

  • Monday-Friday, 3.30pm-5.30pm
  • Maximum of 15 – first-come-first-served basis
  • Children must be registered and 5 years +
  • Children can come directly through shared gate with Allen Edwards
  • Parents will not be permitted on site

Please note: in order to enable fair access to everyone, given our reduced numbers, please do not send your children to more than 3 afterschool sessions per week at the garden.

ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND – From Tuesday 20th April

Re-opening of after-school clubs:

  • Tuesday-Friday, 3.30pm-6pm
  • Saturday, 10.30am-4pm
  • Maximum of 10 – first-come-first-served
  • Children must be registered and 6 years +
  • No limit to the amount of sessions per week

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Unfortunately Oasisplay has not been immune to the tough economic climate and now we too need to scale back, despite intense need. We are continuing to explore all possible funding options and we know that with the support of the community Oasisplay will survive the current challenging situation. Please help if you can!

Registered charity number 1019629