Oasisplay October half term playscheme update 2020

26th– 30th October 

Nature Garden:

-Times 10.30-4pm
-8 open access spaces per day, first come first served
-7 pre booked camel club spaces
-Kids to bring their own lunch and snacks (no nuts)
-Unfortunately we cannot have any new members
-Running a fully outdoor service so please provide appropriate clothing.
-Unfortunately we are not able to cook on site but we can provide fruit and pre-made snacks.
-Parents will be asked to read and sign a waiver on the first day your child attends.
-Children cannot leave the site and return.
-We cannot have any parents or carers on site during these sessions therefore we cannot have any under 5s on site


-Times 10.30-4pm
-10 open access
-Kids to bring their own lunch and snacks (no nuts)
-Taking new members (age 6 up)
-We cannot have any parents or carers on site during these sessions
-Running a fully outdoor service so please provide appropriate clothing.
-Parents will be asked to read and sign a waiver on the first day your child attends.

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