There are lots of organisations around who can offer help during these difficult times.

Advice Services
The three advice services (Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth, Brixton Advice Centre and Centre 70) provides any Lambeth residents living or working in the borough needing free independent, confidential, impartial advice about debt, money and welfare benefits (including a benefit check). You can access the following advice agencies:
Lambeth Adviceline – Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth
The Adviceline service will provide information and support, telephone assessments and discrete advice.
If you have a query, you can either use the secure form, call the
Adviceline Team on 0344 488 9625 – (Monday to Friday, 10.00am – 4.00pm), or email on
Brixton Advice Centre
Telephone: 0207 095 5908 (Monday to Thursday 10.00am – 3.00pm)
Contact Form:
Updates on BAC services:
Advice Finder:
Centre 70
Telephone: 020 8670 0070 (Monday to Friday 10.00am – 4.00pm)
Counselling Service: Existing clients will have either telephone or video counselling. Centre 70 not taking on any new clients for counselling.
Updates on C70 services:
Emergency Support Scheme
The Emergency Support Scheme provides in-kind support wherever possible rather than cash grants and may be available to you if you are experiencing a crisis or an emergency.
If you are:
- You are 16 years of age or over and you live in Lambeth
- You have lived in Lambeth for at least six weeks prior to applying (released prisoners, those fleeing domestic or gang violence, people living in council temporary accommodation or registered care projects are excepted from this requirement).
Additional information on application criteria, receiving your decision and the process for award can be found on the website:
We can help you to complete the form by telephone. Email us at giving a contact telephone number and we will call you back. Online application form:
Independent Living and Carers’ Partnership (ILCP)
This service assists on all issues of concern to Lambeth residents who are over 55+ years of age and any Lambeth resident aged over 18 with a learning disability, a physical or sensory impairment, or a long term illness who are in need of advice:
Telephone: 020 7095 5720
The Gaia Centre supports Lambeth residents who are survivors of gender-based violence, including domestic and sexual violence, we are open and accepting referrals. They provide emotional support, and practical options such as safety, legal, housing and other advice. To make a referral or for a survivor to self-refer call: 020 7733 8724 or email (whichever is safer).There are lots of organisations around who can offer help during these difficult times. Below are links for families in Lambeth.
Helpful resources for families during COVID-19 pandemic
Health for Kids and Health for Teens Information on COVID-19
Following the recent coronavirus outbreak, the Health for Kids and Health for Teens websites have been updated with information about the coronavirus.
These webpages provide children and young people with age-appropriate information to explain the coronavirus and the things they can do to help stop the spread of the virus and look after themselves physically and emotionally during this unsettling time.
School nurses:
Parentline: Southwark & Lambeth Parents/Carers can contact school nurses directly via text for confidential health advice and support: 07520 631 130
ChatHealth: Southwark & Lambeth Young People aged 11-19 can contact a school nurse via text for confidential advice and support or to make appointments: 07507 332 150
Doctors of the world translation of NHS information on COVID-19
Doctors of the World have produced Covid-19 guidance for patients in 15 languages.
So far we have: English, Albanian, Dari, French, Pashto, Portuguese, Bengali, Vietnamese, Kurdish Sorani, Mandarin, Hindi, Urdu, Spanish, Turkish and Farsi. Please find them here:
The guidance is based on the NHS’s updated advice and health information. Malayalam, Amharic, Tigrinya, Somali and Arabic coming soon!
WHO/Save the Children
Helping children cope with stress during the coronavirus outbreak, a one-page PDF created by the World Health Organisation to print and share. Hosted on the Save the Children website:
Mental Health Foundation
Advice about talking to children about scary world news:
CBBC Newsround
Advice if children are upset by the news (this includes generic information about dealing with topics in the news that may be upsetting or scary):
A more dedicated page on Coronavirus: What is the new virus and what’s being done about it:
Save the Children
Frequently asked questions about the virus, as well as advice for discussing the situation with children:
Attention Difficulties Resource Pack
This online resource pack has been developed by Lambeth Educational Psychology, Occupational Therapy and Clinical Psychology services. It is for use by educators in educational settings and for parents and carers. The resources can be used for children who find it difficult to concentrate, listen and sit still in class.
Online Home Learning Resources
Some resources to help with kids at home during school closures:
- Scholastic has created a free learn-from-home site with 20+ days of learning and activities.
- Pretend to travel the world. Go on a virtual tour of these 12 famous museums.
- This is the free curriculum including everything from preschool activities to 12th grade.
- List of thinking games by grade